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Entertainment Industry
In no situation should any individual or group achieve a high level of social or economic status based on their achievements within the entertainment industry. Socioeconomic power is the source of a civilization’s life, and in the hands of the ignorant and unqualified, it will surely retard or destroy a culture. Entertainment and art should not be glorified more than the fruits of practical labor. Artistic expression is important for social health, but organized entertainment is often just as malignant as organized religion. The sacrifice of socioeconomic power to entertainers and their businessmen is a major form of corruption and waste that can and currently contribute to lower levels of progress and education for the general population. The idea that entertainers and their businessmen can achieve higher levels of pay and social status than those who do practical work is an outrage. Though entertainment is an essential part of societal health, it is not nearly as important as practical labor. In addition, entertainment is easy to provide. Especially in modern times, the entertainment industry is heavily flooded. This is due to our technological age. High levels of entertainment can be achieved without sacrificing large quantities of a nation’s resources. Every leader of the entertainment industry must be neutralized, and all major entertainment organizations must have their assets seized and put toward the reversal of damage to our societies and planet.

American culture has put priority on entertainment and not progress. Oddly and sadly enough, despite all the resources that have gone into our entertainment industry, the quality of entertainment reached is often not even impressive. Walk into any music, video game, or film store and witness the waste before your eyes. Imagine all the time and resources that have gone into all these productions, yet the United States cannot even deal with its own social issues. This is largely an issue of mismanaged priority. The solution to combat the ills of the realm of entertainment is to outlaw the privilege to gain wealth from such hobbies. Music, film, games (including sports), and other such activities should only be done as a hobby, not a career. This will stop their ludicrous spending, which results in wasted resources and man hours. Entertainers should also not be worshiped as heroes because they have done nothing heroic. Society’s priorities and morals are wrong; people who do work that contributes to practical results, such as providing food or electricity, are more important than entertainers. But the biggest problem with giving people status purely because of their perceived value in entertainment is its negative impact on social behaviours and ethics. These types of people are not morally or intellectually qualified to lead society unless they reach a position of leadership through proper channels.

No one should gain absurd amounts of social status for something as insignificant as fashion. The fashion industry is another area where American culture has reached a state of severe ludicrousness. As for clothing models and their management, these positions can be eliminated altogether. It is outrageous enough to suggest that some people should be able to make a living by wearing clothes and having their pictures taken in them. But the reality is that there are a large number of models making huge amounts of money and therefore gaining potential socioeconomic power from something incredibly absurd. To think that someone can gain so much wealth for doing nothing practical while others do practical work that contributes to civilization is a joke. A factory worker is more valuable than a fashion model, so why can a fashion model make hundreds of times what a factory worker makes? The answer is a civilization gone insane. On top of this, there are agents who manage these models, often making ridiculous sums of money. Let that soak into your head for a minute. Does that sound right to you? People who manage other people, who dress up in clothes for a living or more than a living, are also making large amounts of money. It’s a completely ridiculous situation.

To truly understand the damage caused by the entertainment industry, you not only have to consider the societal regression caused by the entertainment industry and the mass amount of resources wasted producing what often turns out to be garbage, but also the amount of resources that have been wasted catering to the decadent spending of the wealthy entertainers. In the end, it only amounts to social corruption, uncountable wasted man hours, and an unthinkable amount of natural resources wasted. The problem must be addressed immediately. When common words are searched on Google and the search returns people and products related to the entertainment industry, highlighted as the first result, it is a symbol of the complete degeneration of society.

Now there needs to be some clarification on what should and shouldn't be permitted, as well as clarification in gray areas. The first step in this is to separate taking part in a hobby from providing the means to partake in hobbies. While I have concluded that it should be illegal to gain profit from taking part in a hobby, I am not stating that these hobbies should be illegal or that it should be illegal to gain profit from providing the means to take part in a hobby. For example, it should be illegal to profit from making music, but it should be legal to profit from creating recording equipment or instruments. Another example is that it should be illegal to profit from playing a game or sport, but it should be legal to profit from providing equipment to play games and sports. Furthermore, it should be legal to profit from teaching and training others in hobbies. Likewise, it should be legal to profit from providing areas to partake in hobbies. The reason for this is that taking part in hobbies is generally a healthy activity. Therefore, providing equipment and services for these activities fulfills a practical role.

The second step is to provide a base of reasoning for gray areas. Activities in this range fall on both sides of the previous point. One example of this is architecture. The creation of buildings is both a practical deed and an art. In the strictess sense of my argument, one could put heavy restrictions to limit the artistic element of architecture. While I wouldn't argue with leaders who made this decision as long as it doesn't interefere with practicality, it is also not the decision I would make. In my opinion architects should have free reign to design architecture within the limits of legal code unrelated to art. Similar judgements would be required for other fields such as automobile and clothing manufacturing.

The third step is to determine exceptions. For example, physical handcrafted art is almost always used to increase the ambience of architecture, be it inside or outside. Like gardening, it should be one of the rare hobbies that should be able to be profitted from. However, mass produced physical art should not. I would also not be opposed to allowing some exceptions of profitability within music that are culturally important, such as classical music and marching music ensembles that require a professional level of sophistication.

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